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May 29, 2012

5/29 WOD: I'm a triplet master.

Life has things happen in it every single day. Sometimes they are good things, sometimes they are bad things. The fact of the matter is that if you are presented with something, an issue, a task, work to be done, etc, life doesn't really care about any of the excuses you might give. It doesn't care if you str tired, it doesn't care if you are older, it doesn't care if you are super experienced, it doesn't care if you feel sick, it doesn't care if you str too big or too small. All you can do is take what you have and make something work to deal with the task or complete the work that's needed. I relate this to a fire. A fire will burn no matter what your issue is. And it will keep burning until you put it out. You may or may not have the skills, but if you don't do something, then that fire is going to destroy everything in its path.So what is the point of all this? EXCUSES. Don't waste time giving excuses. Just do what you need to do and do it the best way you can! I have seen some pretty impressive mental changes lately in the gym and I hope that these changes are making their way out into the real world so you can attack life :)Strength: Back Squats 5-3-maxWOD: AMRAP in 15:00 of 10-squat thrusts, 10-box jumps (30/24), 10 shoulder to overhead (135/95)EVENTS:June 2 - Kim R's going away party! Send her off as she is moving to Ghana for 6 months! Details can be had with Kim herself! We'll miss you Kim!June 3 - Brewer Game! This is coming up. Please visit here for details. Visit this page for help on bringing things!June 14 - Bacon Run 5k/10K. You HAVE to register for this event outside of us. Please go here for details.June 16 - "Power Meets Grace" - CrossFit WOD + Yoga after with Melanie at Tosa Yoga!! Details here!

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