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May 30, 2012

5/30 WOD: Run me a river of pain...

Strength: Power Jerk/Push JerkWOD: 1 mile run, 50-wall ball shots, 50-kb swings, 800m run, 40-wall ball shots, 40-swings, 400m run, 30-shots, 30-swings. (Rx 55/35, 20/14#)EVENTS:June 2 – Kim R’s going away party! Send her off as she is moving to Ghana for 6 months! Details can be had with Kim herself! We’ll miss you Kim!June 3 – Brewer Game! this weekend. Please visit here for details and the plan for logistics. Visit this page for help with bringing things!June 14 – Bacon Run 5k/10K. You HAVE to register for this event outside of us. Please go here for details.June 16 – “Power Meets Grace” – CrossFit WOD + Yoga after with Melanie from Tosa Yoga!! Details here!

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