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May 31, 2012

5/31 WOD: Midline stabilization

Warm-Up: 20-dead-lifts, 15-sumo dead-lift high pulls, 10-hang power snatch. 30-push-ups.Strength: BenchWOD: AMRAP in 12:00 of 10-155/105 dead-lifts, 10-CF release Push-ups, 10 sec plank hold on last push up.Recovery: Ring Routine, Static hold, Knee tuck, L-sit, Inverted Tuck.Prowler Challenge is currently underway!!! 25s on each side for the women and 45s on each side for the men. How many 30 yard pushes can you run before you start walking? Challenge starts tomorrow through Saturday!!!EVENTS:June 2 – Kim R’s going away party! Send her off as she is moving to Ghana for 6 months! Details can be had with Kim herself! We’ll miss you Kim!June 3 – Brewer Game! this weekend. Please visit here for details and the plan for logistics. Visit this page for help with bringing things!June 14 – Bacon Run 5k/10K. You HAVE to register for this event outside of us. Please go here for details.June 16 – “Power Meets Grace” – CrossFit WOD + Yoga after with Melanie from Tosa Yoga!! Details here!

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