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May 9, 2012

5/8 WOD: Barbell stepping up!

Strength: Shoulder Press – Find new 1RM. Don’t compromise form for weight.WOD: AMRAP 13:00 of :30 sec plank holds, 15 push press,, 15 barbell step-ups Rx: 95/65Hear what Bob Harper of The Biggest Loser has to say about Crossfit and scaling workouts.NEWS:The CrossFit Regionals are being held on May 18-20th in Chicago! We have several people who are riding down, so if you want in on this car ride (only 2 hours or so), let me know!!! It’s an event you do not want to miss.THE GARAGE GAMES EVENT ON JUNE 23 is CANCELLED. STAY TUNED FOR ANOTHER EVENT![fbphotos id=328421030563898]

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