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June 11, 2014

6/12 "Thursday"

Strength:Strict Dips, Pull-ups, Hand Stand HoldsWOD:Farmers Carries, OH walking Lunge, BurpeesMember News: Grass Fed Beef Orders:For those of you that have ordered from VDL Grassfed meats in the past, you may have received his email.Either way, Steve is coming June 21st for delivery of meats, eggs, pork, etc. If you would like to order, contact him at for your orders! He's very quick to respond to questions related to pricing or the product.We're ordering wrist wraps! Please record your name and the desired quantity on the below spread sheet, if you'd like to order! These are the wrist wraps that are available for you to try on in the big gym! They are one-size-fits-all, "wrap-around" style, they come in ONE Color Option which is a stylized combination of black, red, and white. They are $20.00/pair. You can still try them on! They are sitting underneath the white board, next to the stereo operator. Check back on the blog for rebook shoes and t-shirts orders for the summer...We'll be putting those out soon! Shoe Orders!These orders need to be in by next week Wed, the 18th! We'll be placing orders for a variety models which are listed here> reviewing, please fill in all information on this spread sheet> Once ordered, these are non-returnable! Also, we will be charging $95 for these shoes and free shipping to you. They will be charged directly to your Zenplanner account once we submit the order.+++Saturday Summer Schedule Updates+++Due to summer schedules and low attendance, we are rearranging the summer schedule on Saturdays.--No more partner WOD class.--We moved the two classes we offer to 730 and 830am.--We made the competitor's class (L2) at 930a, along with Open Gym for anyone.--No more free 'try-it-out' classes after this week.Instead we will be offering a community WOD. Details about this here> hope to change it back up once the summer is over. If you have any questions, please let us know. Every class on Saturday will have a focus intensity, fun, and burn to maintain your stellar physiques for the summer!Injury Etiquette***DO – Get a professional opinion, especially if you’ve been hurting for a while. You need to know what’s going on so you can know what to do to get better.DON’T – Count on the opinion of your friends, family, and coaches for your diagnosis and don’t be that guy who self-diagnoses via the internet. Unless these people are doctors, they probably aren’t giving you the correct or full story.DO- Let others know you’re injured. Your friends, family, and coaches need to know if you are injured so they can look out for you, support you, help you make appropriate decisions, and not pressure you into doing something you shouldn’t.DON’T – Let your injury be the only thing you talk about. People want to support you the best they can but often feel helpless as to how. When you talk about it all the time, it makes them feel even more helpless and less like they want to hang around you. Plus, they all have their own stuff – including injuries – that they are dealing with too.DO – Stay positive! Give yourself a couple days to mourn your injury, especially if it is a life-changing one. Process it and move on. Find things you ARE able to do and focus your energy there. Trust me, there are more than you think but you must seek them out.DON’T – Feel sorry for yourself, harp on the injury, and think about it all the time. This will only bring you and everyone around you down. Don’t be A Debbie Downer. You need your friends during this trying time.DO – Have life balance – define yourself in many different ways! Try something new. Read more. Pick up playing piano. Dive head first into a new life path or rekindle an old one. There are plenty of options out there to keep you busy.DON’T – Let yourself be defined by your pre-injury activities. If you are/were an athlete but can no longer compete at your sport, hopefully that isn’t the only thing you see yourself worthy of. We all need better life balance than that! Have a couple items in your bag of tricks.DO – Stay active! Ask your coach for modifications – that’s what they’re here for. There are plenty of things you can do with the non-injured parts of your body. Doing heavy bench press can actually help your legs stay strong and vice versa.DON’T – Don’t get discouraged or stop coming to the gym. That is a recipe for disaster for both your physical and emotional well-being.These aren’t the “be all, end all” answers to dealing with injury and everyone is different. These are the things I do to keep myself – and those around me – sane, happy and continually moving. Hopefully you don’t ever need to use these but in case you do, best wishes for a speedy recovery!***From Crossfit invictus and Michele Vieux

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