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June 12, 2012

6/12 WOD: "UnGraceful Fran"

Are you reaching your full potential? Not just in your workouts, but in everything what you want to achieve. There are so many distractions in your life on a daily basis. If you do not filter these distractions then you will constantly be sidetracked and never get close to what you want. This doesn't mean that you have to shut everything except for that one item out, but it means you need to let things go if they dont directly affect you or if you cant do anything about it right then. People spend so much time worrying EVERYTHING that they forget what is important. Keep your eye on the prize and don't sweat the small stuff! Filter out the crap and achieve your full potential!!!Do you get adequate sleep? Please check out this infographic!6/12 WODStrength: Shoulder PressWOD: "Ungraceful Fran" 15-12-9 Thrusters, Pullups, Clean and Jerk Rx: 135/95 L2:95/65 L1: 45/25NEWS:*Power Meets Grace! CrossFit + Yoga = Awesomeness. Details here.*The Badger CrossFit Strength Program started today! You can still join in! Details here!**Please fill out our survey! We are wanting to get more feedback from you regarding your experience at BCF! Please take a moment to fill it out, and once it’s complete, I will randomly give one person a free tshirt (those at fill out their name). But please help us make BCF even better! This is YOUR gym.

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