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June 3, 2012

6/2 WOD: Partner Saturday + Oly class

Row 1000m alternating every 250mThen 2 Rounds20 Burpees40 Wallballs (20/14)60 Swings (1.5/1)80 Box Jumps100 sit-upsSprint 400m (can break up into 100s and 200s)Row 1000m alternating every 250mOLY1) Take 5 reps to find a very heavy Power Snatch (no misses) – rest as needed.2) 3X3 touch & go Power Snatches @ 85% of heaviest rep from #1 – rest EXACTLY 60 seconds (straps are recommended).3a) 5X2 Heaving Snatch Balance @ 100% of heaviest rep from #1 – rest EXACTLY 60 seconds.3b) 5X2 1&1/4 Front Squats @ 100% of 1rm Clean (any style) – rest EXACTLY 60 seconds.Notes: The 3A/3B format means alternating sets. This should be performed as 5 sets of 2 Snatch Balances, then 2 Front Squats alternating back and forth with 60 seconds rest between each.[fbphotos id=343435242395810]

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