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June 25, 2012

6/25 WOD: Tabata blast...

Congrats Eric on your muscle-ups!!!

We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations. –Charles R. Swindoll

Skill: Turkish Get-up. x5 reps each arm.Strength: Back SquatWOD: 8-Tabata Intervals each. :20 on / :10 off, 1:00 rest between stations. Thrusters, burpees, mountain climbers. Lowest round per exercise is your score.RX: 95/65, L-3: 75/55, L-2: 35Announcements:**The July Elements Course starts on July 9th due to the Holiday! Please see the schedule before signing up!**July 4th Hero WOD + Cookout + Beer social... Details on the Events page here.**Please take a moment to fill out your BCF Athlete Profile. Here's the form.**We're doing a bit of house cleaning on the website. You'll notice a "For Members" tab on top, among other things. More exciting changes coming soon in and out of the gym![fbphotos id=355307047875296 limit=10 rand=1]

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