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June 6, 2013

6/6 Thur

A note from Coach Tyler"There is a particular intensity that we try to maintain for each workout. This means that each of you will doing something a little bit different to keep you in this realm. It could be a different weight, a different number of reps, or even a different movement. Yet at the end of the workout, everyone, whether you are a games athlete, or a newbie, will be working at the same RELATIVE intensity. This is what we call scaling. It's NOT to make a workout easier for someone. It's done so that everyone is working together to get the same response in their workouts, finishing at about the same time, and working as hard as the next person. If you are unsure, then ask your trainer and they will set you up with the correct scales. This is why we are called a team; Even though we are all doing our own workouts, we are all doing the "same" workout."Strength:15 min to find 3RM PressWOD: 1k row, 3 rounds of 10 ring dips, 15 kb swings, 4 wall walks, 800m run[learn_more caption="NEWS"]***Do you have UnitedHealthCare for your health insurance? If so, you may be entitled to fitness center reimbursement. BCF is a registered facility and you could get back $20 every month per person from UHC for attending > 12 times a month!’s Paleo Snacks are in stock, Grab and go. Just write down what you grab and the qty on the sheet on clipboard.Tshirts are IN STOCK! 2 colors for men/women. $20 like usual. Tank tops coming soon!CrossFit and Kids. Dispelling the myths. Coming to BCF soon![/learn_more]

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