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June 7, 2013

6/7 Friday

Strength:Front Squat 5x5 @ 70%WOD:15 burpee box jumps15 power cleans15 burpee box jumps30 front squats15 burpee box jumps15 push jerks15 burpee box jumpsRx: 135/95 L3:115/75 L2:95/65 L1: 75/45[learn_more caption="NEWS"]***Do you have UnitedHealthCare for your health insurance? If so, you may be entitled to fitness center reimbursement. BCF is a registered facility and you could get back $20 every month per person from UHC for attending > 12 times a month!’s Paleo Snacks are in stock, Grab and go. Just write down what you grab and the qty on the sheet on clipboard.Tshirts are IN STOCK! 2 colors for men/women. $20 like usual. Tank tops coming soon!CrossFit and Kids. Dispelling the myths. Coming to BCF soon![/learn_more]

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