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July 11, 2013

7/12 "Friday"

7 habits of highly successful athletes:1. Don't be a fattie:-Stop eating a bunch of crap food. Cut out breakfast cereal and kill the fast food-Stop skipping breakfast. You may have heard about intermittent fasting while reading the 50 blogs that offer different advice, each more confusing than the next...Bottom line, your body needs fuel to perform!Commit to eating stronger, more nutritious foods.2. Live by your word:It's a shame. An honest person is hard to find. If you say you're going to do it, then do it—and go all out. If you give your word, don't make excuses; make it happen.3. Leave everything in the gym:This boils down to honesty. Be honest with yourself. When you look yourself in the mirror after your workout, ask yourself, "Did I give my all today?"Break records and always train to become at least one percent better than the last workout.4. Excuses pave the road to nowhere:Really? You only train twice each week and on the other five days you can't train? The athletes who make excuses are simply giving themselves a green light to lose. You must be brutally honest with yourself if you want to achieve success.Avoid making excuses and learn to take responsibility for all your actions.5. When things go wrong keep fighting:There is always a way to train, to rise above, to conquer and crush obstacles. You will see big changes in your success when you have the right mindset.6. Beat the guy next to you every time:When you train, get in there and compete. Average doesn't cut it in sports or life. The two go hand in hand. When you train, you should push at high intensity and make everyone else rise to your level.7. Don't be afraid to fail:This is where many athletes go wrong. They set their sights on small goals, feeling they are not ready for the bigger goals.You must decide that you are going to achieve a big, specific goal. That goal will drive your actions to greater heights. Every rep, every set, every workout, every meal—they will all be done with the motivation to kick ass and take names to achieve your goal. Without a big goal, you will go stale and you'll hit a wall.***Strength:Find 1rm Back SquatWod: Fran21-15-9 Thrusters and Pull ups (95/65)***Article from article here,[learn_more caption="NEWS"]***Do you have UnitedHealthCare for your health insurance? If so, you may be entitled to fitness center reimbursement. BCF is a registered facility and you could get back $20 every month per person from UHC for attending > 12 times a month! plans are now underway. They are building the garage door as we speak, the floor and walls are going to get cleaned and leveled, new lighting is being put in, and the wall will be torn down soon after. They expect to be nearly done in July, weather and other things permitting.CrossFit Kids is coming soon, after or nearly after expansion is done! If you are interested, please contact Tyler with your child's name and age!Our Sunday morning Bradford Beach WODs and Hooverball are coming soon! The up and down weather is messing us up right now! Stay updated on the calendar and Facebook!Our L2 classes will be starting up soon (we will be changing the name to Advanced CrossFit). We plan to have a test out day every month for which you test out to enter this class. It's an advanced class for advanced athletes looking to take their fitness to another level, either as a competitor in the Sport of CrossFit, or just to be better in general. The guidelines are here: are continually evaluating the needs of our class times. Be on the lookout for test time slots to see the popularity.As always, please continue to look on our website for updates, along with Facebook. If you are on Facebook, but not in our internal private group, please let Tyler or another member know and we can add you.Want "Voodoo" bands but hate the price? After all, it's just rubber! I'd go with the black or orange ones here: are back in stock!!! Write your name on the sheet if you grab! If no one RSVPs to open gyms, they will be canceled! So be sure to RSVP if you are planning on stopping in.We still have spots available in our July Elements Course, which starts up the week AFTER Independence Day activites. July 8th! If you have wanted to start up CrossFit, no better time than now and with us at BCF. We do it right!Badger CrossFit is hosting an In-house Throwdown on Saturday, July 20All BCF athletes are welcomed to participate!Even if you aren't wanting to compete, please come on by and support your fellow athletes! This will be an awesome community event! Family and friends are welcome to witness the awesomeness that is about to go down at BCF!PLEASE SIGN UP HERE:[/learn_more]

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