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July 14, 2012

7/13 WOD: Manmakers and Farmer's Carries

Strength: Shoulder Press - Find 1RMWOD: 8-6-4-2 Manmakers (50/35# db or kb if we don’t have enough), 200m farmers carry between each. (behind building to the last electric pole - not on sidewalk)


**Starting Thursdays, there will be no 6:30PM Group CrossFit Class. Only the CF Football/Strength Class led by Troy will be held and possibly open gym during that hour (stay tuned on this). If you want to come to group CF classes on Thursdays, 430 and 530 are still options. This is only for Thursdays. As always, check the schedule. This will continue for the summer end (Sept-ish or demand).

**We have an in with a farmer who is selling pork, chickens and beef. The pork is sold in halves and whole pigs, all individually cut (bacon!!!). The beef can be in quarters, halves, and wholes also. The chickens are whole as well. All are either grass-fed, no hormones, no crappy foods, etc. The best you can get. And they are local. Please let me know if you’re interested in something, and I will get you information on prices, contact info, etc.

**Please take a moment to fill out your BCF Athlete Profile. Here’s the form. I would like if all of you filled this out, if you want to be included in the featured athlete section.

**Please fill out our survey! I will only post this link for this week, and then it will go away.

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