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July 20, 2012

7/20 WOD: "Filthy 50"

Strength: Box SquatWOD: "Filthy 50"50 Box jump, 24 inch box50 Jumping pull-ups50 Kettlebell swings, 1 poodWalking Lunge, 50 steps50 Knees to elbows50 Push press, 45 pounds50 Back extensions50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball50 Burpees50 Double undersDAY 20/30 of 50 pushups, 50 situps BCF Challenge!Announcements:**USAW Senior International Coach Mike Gattone is coming to Badger CrossFit to teach the Oly movements the snatch! Sunday, August 5th! Details here! RSVP and pay here! Limited seats.**We have an in with a farmer who is selling pork, chickens and beef. The pork is sold in halves and whole pigs, all individually cut (bacon!!!). The beef can be in quarters, halves, and wholes also. The chickens are whole as well. All are either grass-fed, no hormones, no crappy foods, etc. The best you can get. And they are local. Please let me know if you’re interested in something, and I will get you information on prices, contact info, etc. You have to mention my name/gym name to get a good deal.**Please take a moment to fill out your BCF Athlete Profile. Here’s the form. I would like if all of you filled this out, if you want to be included in the featured athlete section.

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