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July 23, 2014

7/24 "Thursday"

Strength:Legless rope climbs/four up-downsDumbbell shoulder pressPistolsWOD:T2BDB ThrustersDB LungesIn honor of the CrossFit Games, let's talk about swimming. Not familiar with the CrossFit Games? Check it out at where you can live stream the fun! If you've seen the Games you know that the last few years, a dreaded swim of some sort has been programmed. These swims are not for the faint of heart as they've broken down some of the most seasoned athletes. Notably, Games favorite Elizabeth Akinwale didn't finish the first WOD of the Games this year, which consisted of 1000 yards of swimming and lots of Burpees and KB Thrusters. Clearly the programmers for the CrossFit games think that swimming is indicative of being a well-rounded athlete and maybe we should too! Unfortunately, BCF doesn't have a swimming pool(maybe some day?!?!?!!), but there are plenty of lakes and area pools where you can get your swim on. Maybe this is something to consider on your off days!Here are some "Jedi Mind Tricks" offered by WODTalk for mastering the swim and making a part of your workout routine!1. Breathing:Some great tips from the swim channel

Practice these breathing suggestions while stationary and then put them to practice!"2. Visualization: Using this tool will ensure a positive experience. All good athletes who achieve anything use this tool to see the end result before it happens. If you are a non-swimmer learning to swim, you must envision yourself as successful, with flawless breathing, control, and intensity in the water.3. Timing of the arms and head while standing."Try this while standing at the wall before you attempt it in the pool. Timing of the arms and head for breathing is everything. The number one cue you want in your head is that one arm should be in front of you and the other arm in the opposing position with your hand on your thigh. This sounds simple, but when the head/breathing is put into the scenario you immediately feel like you have time for air. If you don't control your head/breathing correctly your stroke will feel rushed and you will gasp for quick bits of air,which in turn will send an urgent message throughout your body telling you that you don't have enough air, when in reality you do.Let's Review:-Left arm in front touching the wall of the pool.-Right arm in back by your thigh-Head is turned toward the right with half your face in the water, mouth open taking in air.Now your arms will rotate and so will your head. As your head is turning down into the water and exhaling by blowing bubbles, the arms will switch positions with the right arm now in the front, and the left arm close to your thigh4. The long asked question. Should I breathe every stroke, or every three strokes? Which is best?If you are new to swimming, always start with breathing every stroke. You have to establish the rhythm of inhale/exhale with no other distractions. If you are swimming longer distances and have a great capacity to control your breath, yes consider breathing every three strokes."

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