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July 6, 2014

7/7 "Monday"

I hope everyone had a great time off with friends, family, others, etc. for the 4th of July. We are blessed to have such a great country! Thank you to everyone, past and present, who has fought to keep it free! USA!We are constantly learning and evolving here at BCF and I am really excited about some new changes coming up with our programming. Starting last week, as a sort of test, we added in a "Fitness" workout on the whiteboard. Simply, these workouts are designed for anyone to be able to participate in, without athletes worrying about what modifications they need to make, or how they need to change the prescribed workout of the day to fit their physical limitations. The movements will be less complex but the intensity will be just as high, if not higher, as our current programming. This will not be every day you see this category, but it will be coming up more often and we wanted you to know about it. You have a choice that day - to choose the "Fitness" workout or our "Performance" workout. Like all of our workout options, these workouts are scalable and can be made as difficult as one could imagine. Many experienced cross-fitters will find them extremely challenging (and beneficial). The “Fitness” workout is perfect for the individual looking to be strong and lean for the long-haul.So many people come to our gym with pre-existing conditions that limit their ability to perform a WOD as prescribed. Or they simply won’t do a movement because they aren’t quite as strong or skilled enough yet. We wanted to design these WODs to be more inclusive for all of our members, without having to put a "s"(for scaled) next to their score. Everyone will be on a level playing field with intensity.If you or someone you know is afraid to start CrossFit because you are afraid of getting injured or think that the movements are too challenging, but still really want to get in shape and see what all the hype is, then now is the perfect time to join (July Elements starts up tomorrow!). Try our free intro class. If you are already a member, you may decide that you actually enjoy this programming more!Strength: Squat, PressWOD: Lunges, pullups, running.

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