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August 10, 2011

8/11 WOD

Individual Warm-up: 10-skin the catsWarm-Up: Badger Warmup. Part 2: 20-partner med balls and sit-ups. Part 3: 10-presses with bar, 10-ring dips.Strength: Bench 1) 3 x 70% 2) 3 x 80% 3) 3+ x 90% WOD: 3, 3, 3, 3, Clean and Jerk start at 70% and increase.Finisher (if time): 50 burpees for time.Recovery: Banded shoulder Stretch, supine back stretches, lacrosse ball roleouts.Congrats to Nate and Christine, and Mari and Erich for completing the Element's course! Watch out for them in the gym!!! See Nate and Christine below:FB-Album[176738515732151]8/11 WOD Pictures:FB-Album[176739545732048]

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