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August 11, 2014

8/12 "Tues"

Strength: Fitness:Strict Press, Russian Step-up, Partner Leg TossesPerformance: Strict PressWOD: Fitness: Run, KB Swings, Parrallette DipsNote to any and all 6AM athletes:We are consistently full at 6AM. If you won't be able to participate in the class, please remove yourself from the roster as soon as you can and are able (email us if needed). Consider the always available 5am and 7am classes. Please also RSVP - do not just show up! We will be bumping up the size limit of this class as we will have two coaches consistently for this time slot (except this week as an assistant coach is unavailable). Please be diligent in undoing your RSVP if you cannot make it. When you arrive at class, you MUST sign-in. We will be manually checking all records for our busy times and comparing them to the whiteboard. It's only fair to everyone to do this.Thanks guys! We are happy it's busy and we will always try our best to ensure everyone gets in consistently! Please email us with any questions or concerns!Performance:Run, DB Snatch, Ring DipsAn interesting write up on meditation. We so often focus on form in a movement and while this is incredibly important, we can miss out on strengthening our mind."The field of Athlete Meditation Research has brought forth some amazing results. Athletes of all ages have been shown that they can greatly benefit from the findings of athlete meditation research. Athletes who practice meditation can expect better performance, endurance and concentration. These attributes are essential to the success of every athlete.Athlete meditation research has proven that training the mind nearly always helps in training the body. Meditation creates balance and allows energy to flow more freely through the mind and body. Visualization techniques help athletes in all sports and athlete meditation research has proven to help physically as well.One major benefit of meditation is the release of tension. Any athlete will tell you that when they are relaxed they perform at a much higher level. When relaxed, energy flows easier through the nervous system and therefore maximizes performance.Concentration is an absolutely vital part of any sport. It can be significantly improved through the use of meditation. Any basketball player that has ever shot a free throw can tell you how important concentration is to their success. Add screaming fans, mascots, and high-stakes, and concentration becomes that much more important. Being able to block out the outside world and focus on the task at hand is a valuable skill that can be improved.Athlete meditation research has also proven that reaction time can be significantly improved through the use of meditation. Reaction time is essential in almost every sport. Many sports are simply a result of conditioning the body and mind to react to every situation quickly. Learning to cut down on reaction time will help any athlete succeed.Endurance is another characteristic that can be improved through the use of meditation. Every great athlete became great by the way they performed at the end of the game. All of the famous last second heroics you’ve seen on countless highlight reels would not be possible without extreme levels of endurance. A prominent football coach once said that “games are won and lost in the last two minutes of each half.” Developing this trait through meditation is beneficial to any aspiring star.With the increased strain on the body that athletics brings, it is very important to achieve deep relaxation. Being able to clear the mind and release tension is a valuable tool that can be taught through meditation. Athlete meditation research has proven that athletes, who know how to relax, perform better. Their bodies take quite a toll, but with the help of deep relaxation techniques, they are rejuvenated.Another key trait discovered by athlete meditation research is the improvement of relationships. Most sports are a team game and having a good relationship with your teammates is a must. If a team wants to win, they must be able to get along. Any conflicts could potentially damage team spirit. Meditation is proven to help these interpersonal relationships as well.Any athlete that desires to be the best that they can possibly be needs to focus on meditation and visualization. One must train the body and the mind."**from Uma Johnson and The Angry Therapist

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