Strength:Fitness:Bulgarian Split Squat, Cuban Press, Strict T2BPerformance:Clean and Back SquatWOD: Fitness:Wall Balls, RowPerformance:Burpee Box Jump Overs, DeadLifts, Pullups, Wall Balls, Double UndersMember News:-We recently added some new t-shirt colors and sizes to our online store! Also, look for our new WOD journals! to our blog via email+++If you want to get our blog posts via email for each time we post, please click on the link (email gets delivered between 7-9pm): can also subscribe to our RSS feed via a feedreader with the following link: can still sign up for Movement screens with Chiropractor Roy! ORDERS+++For those of you that have ordered from VDL Grassfed meats in the past, you may have received his email. Either way, Steve is coming this Saturday, Aug 16th for delivery of meats, eggs, pork, etc. If you would like to order, contact him via his website for your orders!