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August 1, 2013

8/2 "Friday"

Strength: 10 minutes to find 3RM hang snatch or hang clean(choose weakest)-then repeat 3x-rest 2 minutes between. (work on no misses!)WOD: Run 800m, 15 T2B, 20 KB Swing 55/35# (RxC: KB Snatch)Run 600m, 20 T2B, 25 KB SwingRun 400m, 25 T2B, 30 KB SwingRun 200mAND HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!Here's a note from Coach Tyler:"Two years ago, I had a dream. They say dream big. But all I wanted (and still want) was to help as many people as possible obtain the best life possible through fitness. The result of opening Badger CrossFit two years ago has forever changed my life, but more importantly, I hope it has changed the lives of others ten fold. Seeing people do impossible things, overcoming their negative mindsets, getting their first legit air squat, a muscle up, losing 250+ pounds, whatever... This is why I started the business. I'm not doing this to be the biggest gym or for bragging rights. It's people that I'm invested in and always will be.But of course, behind every man is an even better woman. Thank you to my wife for being the stable rock -- I could not do it without her unending support of my dream. Badger CrossFit would never be the gym it is without her. She is the "behind the scenes supporter", "caretaker", "picker-upper", "shoulder-lean-on-er". Amy, you're seriously the best thing that has ever happened to me.And a huge thank you to all my athletes and members, those who have stuck with it from the very beginning, and those who just joined. You all make Badger CrossFit what it is. The community here is absolutely amazing. Thank you for your support of this little, but now big thing we're doing here in Milwaukee. You are BCF!!!And while the last two years have been a wild ride of so many great things, I look forward to many, many more... This is JUST the beginning! Watch out Milwaukee and Wisconsin... Good things ahead! And Happy 2 Years-Old Badger CrossFit!!!!"

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