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August 23, 2011

8/24 WOD: Tire of swings.

Individual Warm-up: 1 minute ring hold, high-knee sit, or L-sitWarm-Up: Badger WU. Part 2: 20-dead-lifts, 15-dead-lift high pulls, 10-hang power cleans. Part 3: 10-Hang cleans, cleans w/bar.Strength: Clean find new 1 rep max. Did you get a new PR? Tell us about it on comments.WOD: AMRAP in 20min of 10-Wall Balls, 10-KB Swings, 10-SDLHP and 4 tire flipsRX: Men 20/55/95, Women 15/35/65, L2: M16/50/75, W 12/30/55, L1: 10/25/barbellsRecovery: hamstring and groin stretches.

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