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August 26, 2013

8/27 "Tuesday"

"Let's say your deadlift is feeling strong. When you want that new PR you should start out gradually. You probably have a better chance improving by 10 pounds rather than adding 25s to each side and risking an injury. This sounds obvious but I want to use this example to make a point. If you've been injured or out of the gym for a while and make your way back in here, your mind may tell you to lift and perform at the same weight and intensity you left at. Don't. We want you at the gym and we want you to come back strong, but we don't want you to be impatient. Be conservative when you come back. Go easy on movements. Dont look for heavy explosiveness in movements using affected areas. Go lighter, especially when it comes to using those injured or weaker muscles. If you have to, start with no weight.. BE SMART and don't be too proud to ask for help!!"Strength: Back Squat 1X6@70%, 1X6@80%, 1X3@90%, 1X2@95% – rest 2 minutes.WOD: AMRAP 12 of 7-push press, 7-toes to bar, 300 m run.RX: 155/85, L2: 95% of 1RM shoulder press, L-1: 75/45

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