News: As you saw today in the gym, the new gym rules are up. Please ask if you have any questions about them!Individual Warm-up: Handstand walks (scaled is bear crawls) - Length of gym matsWarm-Up: Badger Warmup P2: 20-dead-lifts 15-shoulder press, 10 squatsStrength: Back Squat, 1) 3 x 70%, 2) 3 x 80%, 3) 3+ x 90%WOD: “Buckles” (Last Of The Doughboys)In honor of Frank Buckles, the last living U.S. WWI Veteran who died on February 27, 2011. He was 110 years old. Read about his legacy here.10 Rounds for time:8 Deadlifts 135/95#6 Power Cleans 135/95#4 Push Jerk 135/95#2 Back Squats 135/95#L2: 96/65 L3: 75/45Recovery: PSOAS and Shoulder Stretches.FB-Album[185169794889023]