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August 29, 2013

8/30 "Friday"

Strength: 15 minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch or C&JWOD: AMRAP 10 of Double-unders. *Every minute, perform 6 UB thrusters. Start with thrusters.*score is total DURxC: 115/75 Rx:95/65 L2:75/55 L1:65/35Important Badger News!!OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING CLASSESBadger CrossFit has partnered with Milwaukee Barbell to coach and instruct Olympic Weightlifting starting Sept. 11. This is a separate program from our day-to-day CrossFit classes and is strictly lifting for about 90 minutes.Schedule:6 pm Wednesdays8 am SaturdaysCost:$100 for three months/12 weeks. However, the program runs for six months, so you can renew.It's perfect for those looking to get strong and compete either in the sport of CrossFit or in weightlifting. It also can be used for the novice who just wants to get strong and more proficient at weightlifting.Sign up here: CrossFit has partnered with Tosa Yoga to offer classes for our athletes. Yoga is perfect for active recovery days or days we just need to get limber (like every day). We are still working out the schedule details and will know more soon. Stay tuned to our Facebook page and blog.SEPTEMBER IS ACCOUNTABILITY MONTH!September is going to be Accountability Month! For those lacking the self-motivation, being OK with being OK, eating bad, not coming in here often enough, etc. you are hereby wanted and needing to sign up for Accountability Month.How it works:We will be assigning you a partner to keep you accountable. Diet, attendence, sharing struggles, joys, you name it... your accountability partner will be a BCF athlete who you can be accountable to. We all know this stuff works, but you have to eat right, come to class, and follow-up with it day after day. Why not make it happen next month, especially when we start the Paleo Challenge. You must be honest with your partner, tell them if you went to classes, ate the way you wanted, etc. It’s also going to be a good way to meet people you’ve not had a chance to. Get outside your comfort zone and let’s start up new relationships!!!Sign up: RACEAre you signed up for the Spartan Race? The race is slated for 9:30 am (our team’s start time) on Nov. 2. Last we heard, Badger CrossFit has over 35 athletes on board! If you are interested, go to the Spartan Race Web site and sign up under our team name “Badger CrossFit.” Ty Kreuger is listed as the captain. Use the code SRMKE to get 100% off! You only have to pay for the insurance.TOUGH MUDDERBCF has a Tough Mudder team. If you are interested in meeting up with the group, check out our frequent posts about it in our private Facebook group! See Social Media section in this newsletter below for more info on that.PALEO CHALLENGEWe are doing another paleo challenge this fall! September 16 to November 10! We will be following the same rules, WODs, and requirements as the Lurong Challenge. We decided not to go with Lurong this year as we can save a buck and do it ourselves, we just don’t get ‘prizes’ if we were to win. DO NOT sign up on their website. I did register BCF as a gym only to get the WODs and programming! Read the FAQ here: is the basic Schedule for the Challenge:Challenge starts September 16th, 2013. The Challenge will last eight (8) weeks and is broken down into 3 Phases:Phase 1 occurs during the first 2 weeks of the Challenge and will require Participants to complete 3 WODS (1, 2, and 3) along with recording their Body Measurements. Starting from the 1st day of the Challenge Daily Diet Compliance will be open for submission.Phase 2 consists of the four (4) weeks in the middle of the Challenge. During Phase 2 Participants will be completing 1 WOD per week (WOD 4, WOD 5, WOD 6, and WOD 7) along with tracking diet, setting and tracking goals, submitting new recipes, and any other open and uncompleted requirements.Phase 3 is the last two (2) weeks of the Challenge. During this phase Participants will be completing 3 WODs (WOD 8, WOD 9, and WOD 10) along with retaking Body Measurements, submitting testimonials, tracking goals, diet, and any other open items.Sign-up: KIDSWe all know CrossFit works for adults. But what about our kids!?! Of course it does. And that is why we want to introduce CrossFit Kids to the lineup at Badger CrossFit. There will be select days and times and some days we will not be able to do, but those classes will be on the calendar soon!Schedule:4-4:45 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays7-7:45 am SaturdaysCost:Price per child is 50% of your monthly rate (ie. If you are on the 6 month, it’s $65 a child).Second child is 30% of your monthly rate (If you are on the 6 month, it’s $39 a child).Every child thereafter is 20% of your monthly rate (If you are on the 6 month, it’s $26 a child).For September only, CrossFit Kids is FREE! Sign up today by contacting Tyler!REEBOK GEAR!If you want anything Reebok, we can get it for you at a discount. No minimum order. Please email for information.EQUIPMENT AT BCFWhen you are done with equipment, if you touched it, if you used it, if you took a cup for water, please clean up! Wipe anything but barbells down with disinfectant or bleach spray. Vinegar/water bottles are by the barbells are to be used on barbells only, unless you bled on the bar, then use bleach. Bleach will corrode our metal bars if used too often (already happening).Also, please do not drop our boxes. If they are too heavy for you to pick up and you slam them down, the screws will break. We’ve had to repair ALL our boxes due to misuse. Soon we will have to build more.And in the upcoming weeks will be purchasing more and more equipment to fill in the other side. Until then, we will be sharing with the two sides. But most will be moved to the larger room once we are set. Be on the lookout for some cool new toys. And we will be selling some things as well to make room for new things! Stay tuned to our Facebook page or contact us if interested in that.

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