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August 31, 2011
8/31 WOD: Snatch-er-ooo...
Badger News:
Sign-up for our Whole30 Paleo Challenge in the gym! If we don't get the majority of you signed up in time, we will forgo it this month and do it later.
Be sure to update your results on our WODStack page.
Check out our events page and come with us to the FGB6 event here in Milwaukee!
See schedule for important class time updates! We have shifted things around due to Marc being out this week.
Individual Warm-up: Handstand walksStrength: Snatch, 1) 5 x 65%, 2) 5 x 75%, 3) 5+ x 85%WOD: 20 Ring dips then...5 Rounds of 10-Power Snatches, 10-Overhead Squats.RX: 95 / 65 L2: 75% 1RM Snatch L1: 65/45[fbphotos id=186121774793825]