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August 7, 2014

8/8 "Friday"

Strength:Fitness: Deadlift, GHD Sit-upsPerformance:Front SquatsWOD: Fitness:Row, Thrusters, Pull-ups(ring rows), RunPerformance:Power Cleans, Front rack reverse lunges, Burpees over the BarbellMember News(...and lots of it!):Retail:-Hello BCF! It's time for our August Stronger Faster Healthier Grassfed Protein and Fish Oil orders. Again, we make our protein and fish oil orders once a month so order the appropriate amounts to last. Simply put your name and quantity in the spreadsheet attached. There is one tab for protein and one tab for fish oil.We've had some newer folks join this group so if you have any questions, go ahead and ask in person, email, etc. Please also check out We can get you $5 off retail as well as save you shipping costs (free). WOD:-Ladys & Gents, tenative date for the 1st Annual BFC Golf Outing is Sunday September 7th. We anticipate a lot of you being in town already for the In-House Throwdown on Saturday the 6th! What better way to make a weekend of it by capping it off with a golf outing. The cost will still be between $45-60 we are assuming and includes lunch and 2 drink tickets. We will require this be paid up front to avoid anyone dropping off last minute as we need a minimum required to hold the outing. Please email us at if you really think you are in.Ladies of CrossFit: Amy Sullivan is conducting an industry-wide, women-only survey in an effort to better understand, research and eventually present the issues we face in CrossFit. It would be much appreciated if you could take the time to complete this multiple-choice, anonymous survey. Thank you very much! updates and a competition!-We just added a 930a Sunday WOD! This will be on the calendar for the forseeable future but be sure to get in if you are interested!-Are you ready for our annual BCF in-house competition!?!?!Who: You, anyone, scaled, elite, one legged, cyclops, etc...When: Sept 6th. 9-whenever! Noon most likely.What: BCF In-house CrossFit competition. A classic competition, in TEAMS, to showcase your fitness!Why: To have fun, in a team building environment, and to do CrossFit! After the comp enjoy beer, food, fun, and folly! Enjoy your last days of summer at an awesome place with awesome people!How: Sign up on Zenplanner! details will come as we get interest. We will be choosing teams so you don't have to think...

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