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September 9, 2013

9/10 "Tuesday"

Strength: 12 minutes to work to a heavy single Hi-Hang Clean & Push Jerk.*DO NOT work to a maximal attempt. Focus on speed under, and perfect attempts. NO MISSES.WOD: “Nasty Girls” 3 rounds of 50 air squats, 7 muscle-ups, 10 hang power cleansRx: 135/95 L2: 115/75 L1: 95/65In one of my classes I am reading this great book entitled "Finding Your Voice". Though it is specifically written for public speaking, I'm finding that much of it can be applied to something like cross fit or any type of hard work. I wanted to share a bit of it with you and I've revamped it a little to make it more relevant to cross fit!Work every movement with an attitude of interestEven if you feel you’ve mastered something, there is always more you can work on. Interest is a great energy-giver. Think of a time when you were working on something which really interested you, remember how you felt. Then think of a time when you were working on something that didn’t interest you: remember how lethargic or tensed up you felt. Interest gives you easy, flexible energy. How can you find a way to come to cross fit with an attitude of interest? Interested students are the best kind of students and tend to learn the quickest!Work with generosity:This may seem a very strange tool to work with. Yet so often we approach work on ourselves with huge judgement and criticism. We beat ourselves up mentally when we can’t do exercises, we put ourselves under huge pressure to achieve. It is no wonder, that as a result we often give up if we are finding particular work difficult. It is just too painful to continue.You need to work with generosity towards yourself: with the kind that you would show towards someone you care for very much. Who is some one you have endless tolerance and acceptance of? Apply that same tolerance and acceptance to youself. This is not a “soft” way of working. If you work with generosity and acceptance towards yourself, you will find that you can stay with work that is difficult for far longer and, as a result you will achieve far more, far more quickly.

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