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September 14, 2012

9/13 WOD: Lurong Living Challenge starts Sept 17th!

"Working hard and doing a lot of CrossFit will NOT get you bulky..." "Worry about things you can control..."LAAAADDDDIIIIESSSS ... please watch. (some of you already know this, and you know who you are) For so many others, this could be you. you interested in doing a gym paleo challenge for 2 months?!?! Starts on Monday! Details will be had soon, but sign up!Strength: 15 min to practice 3 position cleans (hi-hang, hang, full). Work up to medium/heavy weight.WOD: AMRAP 15, 15 front squats (115/75), 15 T2B, 15 lateral box jumps (20/14”)[learn_more caption="Click HERE for news!"]**BCF Competitors Meeting. This Saturday.**BCF Endurance Meeting Q&A. This Saturday.**Who’s ready for an in-house BCF CrossFit throwdown? Multiple WODs, formats, and prizes for the winners!!! Scaled and Rx division – do able for anyone! Get your competition juices going for this fall! Details soon!!!!**We just registered as a gym for the Lurong Living Paleo Challenge. If you want in on a challenge, sign up.**CrossFit Endurance coming to BCF week of Sept. 17th! Details here…**Want to be a BCF CrossFit Coach? See here.**Please take a moment to fill out your BCF Athlete Profile. Here’s the form[/learn_more]

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