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September 15, 2011

9/15 WOD: Burpees, boxes and boomsauce

How bad do you want to work for what you want? What are your goals? Will you continue to work towards them hard, or do you just go through the motions?The Infamous Gluten-Free Brownies!!!Question: How is the Whole30 challenge coming? We are a little more than 1 week in! Can you last the remaining days? Any questions? Please contact Tyler for questions, help, etc. Post to comments below!!! Individual Warm-up: 20 toes-to-bar, 10 GHD situpsWarm-Up: BWU Part #2: 20-squats, 10-front squats, 10-Oh squats, 10-back squats, Part-3: 20-shoulderpress.Strength: Overhead Squats 1-1-1-1-1WOD: 21-15-9 of Burpee Box Jumps, Power Snatch, Chest to bar Pullups.RX: 95 / 65, 24″, L-2: 75 / 45, 24″, L-1: 35, 18″.Recovery: T-spine and knees.[fbphotos id=192716727467663][fbcomments]

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