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September 17, 2012

9/17 WOD: Let me tell you about CrossFit

Non Crossfitters want to know how we can say that a workout is "fun". You are breathing super hard, your heart is pounding like its going to blow out of your chest, your muscles are screaming, your grip is shot, you start to see a little fuzzy, etc, etc. How can this stuff possibly be fun? Fun is definitely a relative term for each person. For some, its fun to see if they are able to complete one of the workouts. For others, its the fact that every day its something different and they cant wait to see what the recipe for destruction is that day. For even others is the fact they have finally moved past the point of being scared or nervous about going to that place where you are exhausted. They now feel the joy of pushing their body to places its never been before. Their mindset is different when they come to the gym. They are STOKED to be there! The cant wait to get in there and see what happens. Then they start seeing changes in their performance. Then they get more stoked about going and then the positive self perpetuation begins! From this point, virtually anything can happen! PR's become a regular thing. It really is magical! So, if I was to ask you if you are having "fun", what would YOU say?Skill: Snatch balanceStrength: 12 minutes to establish a 1RM Heaving Snatch BalanceWOD: 5 rounds, 20 burpees, 20 kb swings (55/35)[learn_more caption="Click here for news"]**Who’s ready for an in-house BCF CrossFit throwdown? Multiple WODs, formats, and prizes for the winners!!! Scaled and Rx division – do able for anyone! Get your competition juices going for this fall! Details soon!!!!**We just registered as a gym for the Lurong Living Paleo Challenge. If you want in on a challenge, sign up. LAST CHANGE! ENDS AT MIDNIGHT TONIGHT!**CrossFit Endurance starts this week!!!!**Want to be a BCF CrossFit Coach? See here.**Please take a moment to fill out your BCF Athlete Profile. Here’s the form[/learn_more]

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