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September 20, 2011

9/21 WOD: Some new movements for your toolbox.

News: This Saturday, our workout will take place at Hart Park down the road about 2-3 minutes! Take State St. west until you see the sign for Hart Park on the left. It's the huge stadium with a track around it.Also, please start keeping track of your workouts, weights, times, etc. Right now, you can use a regular notepad, but down the road, we'll have training journals printed. Bring this notebook to class to ensure that you are using the proper weights and know what to strive for. We have %'s for a reason on the board. We must measure our fitness so we can gauge what we need to improve and work on. Individual Warm-up: Plank holds (work up to 1 min). 30 seconds each side.Warm-Up: Joint Articulations, high knee walk, butt kick run, 2-shuffles, 2-karaoke runs, 4-50% sprints. Part #2: 20-dead-lifts, 15-hang power cleans, 10-shoulder press. Part #3: 10-Push Press.Strength: Snatch, 1) 5 x 40%, 2) 5 x 50%, 3) 5 x 60%, 3-months or newer clients find new 1RM.WOD: AMRAP 5 minutes of 5 Wall Climbs and 5 Power Cleans (135/95)Rest 5 Minutes...5 Rounds of 40 Tuck Jumps, 5 Ground to Overhead (135/95)Recovery: Banded shoulder and hamstring stretch.[fbphotos id=195226330550036]

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