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September 6, 2012

9/6 WOD: Lurong Living Paleo Challenge

For those that are doing the Lurong Living Paleo Challenge, we are having an informational meeting about it soon! We need MORE participants. Our gym is registered as an affiliate.Strength: 4x5 tempo deadlift - heaviest . Rest :60 **3 counts from floor to knee, explode past knee to hips, back down immediately to knee, 3 count from knee to floor.WOD: 4 rounds, 3 power cleans (185/120#), 14 shoulder touches (alternate), 21 wall balls (20/14), sprint 150m.CFFBSWOD: FS 3-3-3-3-3DWOD: 5 rounds:*20 yard bearcrawl (10 out & back)*3 DL (315/225)*10 lateral burpees over barFinisher: 3x12 Glute Ham Raises[learn_more caption="Click for news!"]**We just registered as a gym for the Lurong Living Paleo Challenge. If you want in on a challenge, sign up.**CrossFit Endurance coming to BCF week of Sept. 17th! Details here…**Want to be a BCF CrossFit Coach? See here.**Please take a moment to fill out your BCF Athlete Profile. Here’s the form.[/learn_more][fbphotos id=382301891842478]

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