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December 17, 2013

Featured Athlete Jennifer Aldrich

Get to know your fellow badgers!December's Athlete of the month is Jennifer Aldrich!Crossfitting since: August 2013A little about yourselfI have worked for John Hancock Financial for the last 15 years as a Long Term Care consultant, the last 7 of which I have been able to work from home. I am married and have two children. I have a son, Jakob, who passed away from cancer in 2009 at the age of 7 and a daughter Avery (6), who comes to BCF with me from time to time. My husband and I are very involved with supporting the Blood Center of WI, Make-a-Wish and Children’s Hospital. My sports background includes tennis since high school. I started running after my son died, as it was very therapeutic, and completed a ½ marathon and a couple 15K’s. That love was very short lived and I found my way to my first kickboxing gym. I practiced Muay Thai for a few years and then lost interest in it.How did you get into crossfit? I had never heard of crossfit before a friend started posting about it on FB. I didn’t know what “WOD” meant and did not understand the lingo, but he encouraged me to check it out. (Thank you Eric Borgh!) I was curious, so I went in and took the free class. I’ve been hooked since. I have never looked forward to a tennis match, a run or going to any other gym as much as I look forward to crossfit!What is your favorite WOD or movement? Honestly, I don’t have a favorite WOD. I feel great leaving BCF every time I step in there. All of the WOD’s are challenging to me and that’s what I love about it.Least favorite?Funny thing, any WOD that includes running, is my least favorite.How has crossfit changed you outside of the gym? I physically and mentally feel better. I’ve had low back pain for years and in the last couple months I’ve had no pain. I know it is a result from all the core work we do.What makes Badger crossfit unique?Tyler Sullivan. He knows (and care) about each individual that walks in that door.What time do you WOD? Preferable time is 4:30pm.What advice do you have for people first getting started? Do not feel intimidated. Crossfit is for every level of fitness.

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