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February 16, 2013

Hope for Kenya

CrossFit Inc. is committed to making people's lives better in the 250 square-mile rural area surrounding Mombasa, Kenya. Education, food, and water are three major needs for the population in this area. Through the efforts of our affiliates, we can help the people of Kenya commit to, and invest in, improving their own conditions. We provide no handouts. By creating realistic, self-sustaining solutions to specific problems, we enable Kenyans to stand strong for generations to come.We had about 40 athletes do our partner version of the WOD "Hope for Kenya"WOD: AMRAP 2050 squats30 pushups15 pullupsPartner A does 1 round of the AMRAP, Partner B does max shuttle sprints (16').We modified it to make it a BCF partner WOD, but the cause and reason is the same. Hopefully, if you feel the need, you can make a donation to this great cause. Today, we WOD as a way to reminder how good we have it.DONATION LINK:

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