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May 22, 2013

May's Featured Female Athlete: Brie Dusing

Name: Brie DusingHometown: MukwonagoAge: 25CrossFitting since: April 2012Favorite WOD or movement: snatch and thrusters. I like movements that make my whole body hurt the next day :)Least favorite WOD or movement: Ring dips, only because I had to choose a least favorite and I'm not strong enough to do them without bands.. yetWhat is your fitness background? What were you doing before CrossFit? Gymnast for 15 years.How did you get into CrossFit? Watching the 2011 CrossFit gamesHow have you changed since starting Badger CrossFit? I'm so much stronger physically and mentally. Most importantly, I've stopped being one of those girls who constantly compare themselves to super models - instead I back squat twice their weight.What are your goals for 2013? Where are you in terms of achieving them? Continue to become stronger everyday and work towards becoming a person to watch in the competition circuit of CrossFit.What makes Badger CrossFit unique? The welcoming attitude received from all on your first day at the gym!Any best BCF stories? .What advice do you have for people just getting started? Have fun and don't doubt your abilities - You will end up surprising yourself

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