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April 11, 2013

Social Events!

The Social Wod Committee has the following events planned for 2013. With calendars quickly filling, we want to get the word out. Please save the dates and plan on joining our BCF family for some great Summer Fun!!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BCF Event/Social WOD CalendarApril 20th 4pm BCF Social WOD: Great Lakes Distillery Tour 616 W. Virginia 11th TBD Scavenger Hunt/Race TBD / BCFJune 9th Brewer Game / Tailgate Miller Park--Please enter your qty of tickets needed on this spreadsheet: 16th-18th Camping / Canoe Trip WhiteLake, WI --Details TBASept 14 TBD BCF Golf Outing TBDWe hope that you can join us for as many of these as possible. The gym is not just a gym to workout at. We have had people make best friends, enjoy new experiences with others, and even had new dating connections! We are a big family that really wants you to join us for these extracurriculars. It's what makes this gym the best gym in the city and state -- all of you!See you at the gym,Tyler

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