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October 27, 2013

The Badger CrossFit 30 Day Mobility Challenge!

Welcome to the November Challenge Series! This month, we at BCF are doing 30 days of mobility. You got it -- stretching, rolling, pounding, mashing and downright painful things you are going to do for to and against your body. But the best news is that after these 30 days, you will be AMAZED at the progress and suppleness, and hopefully, relief from pain. And this is only the beginning... Read on.Who: Anyone.What: Mobility movements, done daily. We are following Kelly Starrett's MobilityWOD!Where: In the comfort of your home or at BCF.When: October 28 through November 27How: Every day, BCF will post on our blog, in order, days 1 through 30 of the MobilityWOD. Each day will be explained by KStar and give us info on what to do. It will also post to Facebook.After you watch the video of the day, you can continue to do this movement for the required amount of work KStar recommends or until you feel better or your body is more supple.Some of the videos will require bands, balls, foam rollers and other tools. If you do not have these, please purchase them. We are purchasing more lacrosse balls and will sell them at BCF.Why: Quite simply, mobility means less injury. The better you are able to move, functionally, the less of the chance your body has to work THAT much more to get to that position. Everyone needs to be supple, and KStar will assist with this.This will be a VERY fun challenge!

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